Welcome to Rosa Danica

With a production of around 10.5 million plants annually, Rosa Danica A/S can rightly be called one of the leading producers of potted plants. It is a position that we are proud of and that obliges! We make an effort every day to produce beautiful and durable potted plants in exactly the colors that consumers demand and with the greatest possible consideration for the environment.

Enjoy your further trip around our website


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Så blev det atter forår og vores krukker og bede skal friskes op med nye planter. Vi kan varmt anbefale det farverige og smukke Kordana® potterose sortiment og de meget holdbare og kraftige Tendenza® campanula.

Husk at vande de nyplantede planter, så de ikke tørrer ud, – især hvis de står placeret i sollys. Rigtig god fornøjelse.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.


Now the spring is here, and our flowerpots and beds need to be freshened up with new plants. We will highly recommend the colorful and beautiful Kordana® pot rose range and the very durable and strong Tendenza® campanula.

Remember to water the newly planted plants, so they do not dry out – especially if they are placed in sunlight. Enjoy.

We take care of the future

We take care of the future

In our efforts to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and save even more on energy, we have changed to LED growlighting in 50% of the production area, where the plants’ conditions are optimized with artificial light. In our work areas and in all offices, all lighting is of course also on LED lights.


How to extend the life of your potted plants

Read here how you can enjoy your potted plants much more with just a few actions….

We produce 10.5 million potted plants annually

Rosa Kordana®



Schlumbergera Tendenza®